The Ethos of Eros

Posts Tagged ‘lifespan

The Development of Sexuality

This power point presentation was my first intellectual foray into the topic of sexuality – its meaning, its development, its dynamics in culture etc. It’ll help to put the whole idea of sexuality in perspective with theories from Foucauldian, Freudian or Evolutionary school of thought, stages of sexual development in our lifespan, gender identity and sexuality, sexuality in the Indian cultural context, the need for sexuality education etc. I wouldn’t say its a one stop shop for all you need to know under the heading. In fact, sexuality is too broad an umbrella to be summed as easily. However, one can contest to add relevant points on sexuality in the pop culture, media depictions of sexuality and the list really, as I said, is endless.

I would strongly recommend any reader to look up the references and personally read them and understand the ‘given’ as per their own interpretation.

It would be lovely to have a debate/discussion over this.


Garden of Eden? The Islamic paradise of 72 virgins? You interpet!


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