The Ethos of Eros


You could be anyone.

Who you are or even what you are doesn’t matter much (except if yo’re a bot or a spammer/advertiser). What matters is if you are a person who can think and would like to explore the horizon to the topical debate of sexuality, then I WANT YOU…to share your queries, confusions, experiences, knowledge, literature, research etc. on this blog.

I realized that sex and sexuality is shredded in so much shame, secrecy and stereotypes (largely false!). Thus, I’ve always attempted to bring it to the mainstream foreground to force people’s attention to it in a manner that would interest, engage and empower them.

I certainly will be sharing some of my past work as well as many random, but contextually placed, thoughts as well as upcoming materials on the topic. And I will be keenly checking for comments and feedback from you, yes you!

But what I would be most keen is to have a whole lot more guest posts, maybe even shared users, on this blog. So if you have ANYTHING credible and relevant to share on this blog, feel free to write to me at Yes, I will be moderating content (to an extent) but I wouldn’t shut someone out for reasons of my personal bias. Raw energies, libidinal frustrations, artistic rants are all welcome.

And for the reader critics, this blog is meant to be informative besides just reassuring or engaging (*high hopes*) . Facts will always be cross checked as well as welcomed to be criticized or cross checked by any reader with the right incorporations being made, thereafter.

Can we just begin now? :)

About the Blog Admin: She is a self proclaimed ‘expert’ on the topical discussion, not as much discourse yet, of sexuality. She can be contacted at

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